Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Banku and Okra Stew

Banku is very similar to Fufu (Cassava and Green plantains). The only difference is that, Banku is made with fermented corn dough and cassava dough. Okro stew is made with palm oil, hot peppers, okro (type of green vegetable), tomatoes and, onions.

Banku and Okra stew is a favorite dish in the Greater Accra region but you can find this dish in almost all areas in Ghana. You can make the Okro stew with goat meat, beef, pork, fish or any other meat of your choice. In this recipe I will be using my personal favorite, fried fish with the skin on.

For those of you that are vegetarian, you may follow this same recipe, just omit the meat. I will suggest adding other vegetables like chopped egg plants, yellow squash, or chopped spinach, and vegetable broth for extra flavor. I’ll be using fish for extra flavor.
5 slices of fish (Remember it can be any meat of your choice)
1 1/2 pound chopped okra
1 28oz can of tomato puree or 4 medium fresh tomatoes
1 large white/red onion
½ tsp ground hot pepper
3/4 cup Palm Oil
2 cups corn dough (for Banku)
1 cup cassava dough (for Banku)
½ tsp salt for taste
Maggi Cube (Or your choice of seasoning)
Wooden stirring paddle or wooden spoon (For mixing cassava and corn dough)
Instead of showing you step by step of how to make it, you can click on this link and it will take you directly to a site that shows you the full process
I hope you’ll enjoy it. Be sure to leave a comment below when you do try making it.
 Picture credit: Link

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